Luksuzan stan na prodaju, Podgorica, 140 m2
140 m2
About Property
IDP2220 U srcu glavnog grada Podgorice nalazi se prostrani stan s tri spavaće sobe u neposrednoj blizini Gorice. Smješten u mirnom okruženju okruženom šumom, ova lokacija nudi ekološki prihvatljiv način života i pruža prestižnu adresu. Stan je površine 140 m2 i nalazi se u novoj zgradi izgrađenoj 2017. godine, s visokim standardom kvalitete gradnje i dostupnim liftom. Zgrada se sastoji od samo osam stanova, podijeljenih na dva ulaza s po četiri stana, pružajući stanarima privatnost s obzirom na to da svaki stan zauzima cijeli sprat. Moderan dizajn stubišta i lift na ulazu u zgradu dodatno pridonose udobnosti i funkcionalnosti ovog doma. S obzirom na blizinu centra grada i diplomatskih predstavništava, ova lokacija ne samo da je idealna za život već ima i veliki potencijal za iznajmljivanje. Za više informacija, kontaktirajte nas na: https://www.searealty.me/me/kontakt
- Air Conditioning
- Radiators
- TV
- Reference ID:
- 2220
- Published on:
- Aug 15, 2024
- Property Type:
- Apartment
- City:
- Podgorica
- Neighborhood:
- Price per sqm:
- Furnish status:
- Furnished
- Floor:
- Year Built:
- Sea Distance:
Responsibility and purchase service cost
The buyer is responsible for paying the notary fee, any applicable real estate transfer tax, and any associated legal fees. Sea Realty Agency is not liable for the accuracy of the information presented here; it is solely based on information that we have received from our clients or owners. Sea Realty Agency shall not be obligated to update, amend, change, or otherwise notify the reader of any subject included herein, or of any opinion, projection, prediction, or estimate put out herein, or of any modification that may have an impact on the accuracy of the urbanistic and cadaster information. The buyer is not charged an agency commission; rather, the seller(s) pays the agency fee.